Comparing Lists w/LINQ
Intersect and Except
It's easy to forget tools we don't use often. I recently had the opportunity to break out a couple of under-utilized LINQ extensions, Intersect
and Except
Both do exactly what you'd expect, but let's see them in action.
var primaryColors = new []{"red", "yellow", "blue"};
var . . .
AutoMapper / ReSharper Configuration
Fixing the cause of a ridiculous slowdown
The Challenge
While working on a project, I noticed that Visual Studio ground to a halt while I was working on a rather in-depth AutoMapper profile. Something clicked in the back of my head, remembering a similar issue I experience about a year ago. Both times I had experienced this issue, the slowdown happened while editing an . . .
Posted in: automapperlinqperformanceresharper
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